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The Psychedelic Disney

Dark Lord Rob is the nom de guerre of R. Brant MacKenzie, formerly the founder and bass player of less-than-famous 80's psychedelic-revival band The Not Quite, who released two well-regarded albums on indie labels and were for a long time the most popular alternative-rock band in Hartford, CT and one of the top bands in the New Haven scene. There will now be a brief pause for you to say "Oooh!".

Since those rock star days, DLR has secluded himself in the dark woods of Maine to work on the projects that are visible on this site. During that time he directed The Miskatonic Acid Test as a template for the project. His work has been called "brilliant" and "genius" and "poetry" and "great" and "classic" and other good things - all by credible people who don't know him personally.

Mail: darklordrob@americanentropy.com